Fast Food - The Eating Well Podcast #009
- What do we think of when we hear the term, "Fast food?"
- Is it helping or hurting us?
- What about the burger that comes with it, and breakfast & dinner?
It’s no wonder that we have an overweight & obesity epidemic!
- Don’t they sell salads?
- Is there anything I can do if I still want to eat at these cheap, convenient food places, but want to make wise choices?
- Are deli’s like Subway, or the one near work, a good option?
- Any other good “fast food” options? -ready to eat fruits & veggies -healthier entrees HMR -tuna in a pouch -ready made salds, just choose your dressing wisely or have your own on hand
Doh! Did you notice the Cell Phone? Thanks for the great feedback!
Recommended reading:
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser ISBN: 0060838582
Diet for a New America by John Robbins ISBN: 0915811812
Super Size Me (a movie) and Don't Eat This Book by Morgan Spurlock ISBN: 0425210235
Fox Searchlight productions is going to make Fast Food Nation into a movie.
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