The Eating Well Podcast brings insight, experience, wisdom and advice for dealing with life in a fast food nation. We hope to bring you somewhat regular podcasts with health and nutrition news, questions and answers, and tips for and from people losing weight and gaining healthy lifestyles by eating well.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Volumetrics - The Eating Well Podcast
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Links updated
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Questions and Answers - The Eating Well Podcast
- Suggested daily intake (carbs and fats)
- My Pyramid --
- Suggest a food tracking website
- Calorie King --
- Pyramid Tracker --
- Gaining weight
- BMI calculator -- CDC Link
- Healthy BMI is usually between 18 and 24.99
- BMI does not determine health
- Foods portions and advise for nutritionally sound weight gain
- Walnuts and almonds
- Whole beans
- Dried fruit
- Real peanut butter
- Brown rice
- Soy
- Fruit juice
- Basal metabolic rate and resting metabolic rate
- Easy balanced menus
- Meals for a busy person
- Variety - Color method
- Extra virgin olive oil and canola oil
- Free radicals
- Tips for using these oils
- Matt, it could be the pan
- Ovo-lacto vegitarianisim
- Veggies, Fruit, Whole Grains, Oh my!
MealSnack replacement bars- Luna bar
- Lemon Zest
- Nutz Over Chocolate
- Chocolate Peppermint Stick
- Kashi GoLean bars
- Eating well on the road
- Environmental control away from home
- Dried fruit and nuts
- Make an extra stop
- Airport concessions (choose wisely and bring your wallet)
- Plan to use additive environmental control
- substitute less than ideal menu options
- When you find something good, stock up
- Burnt food = Cancer?
- Well, we don't know either
- Recumbent stationary bike
- Gazelle - It's more funner!
- Suggestion for a show on controlling food craving or binge eating
- Environmental control!
- What to do when you blow it
- 20 minutes to determine saitety
- Walk
- Subtractive environmental control
- Bath/shower
- Reading
- Telephone
- Resturant choices beyond the salad
- Grilled or steamed veggies
- Plain potato w/ skin
- Bread options at major chain market
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Benefits of an Alternative Diet - The Eating Well Podcast
- Vegetarianism
- Lacto-ovo-vegetarian
- Lacto-vegetarian
- Vegan
- Fruitarian
- Demi-vegetarian / Pescetarians.
- What are the benefits of adopting one of these alternative diets?
- How do I ensure proper protein intake?
- Are vegetarians always healthier?
- Any other things to avoid?
Recommended reading:
Healthy Eating Magazine -- Website? We couldn't find one. for healthy recipes
Listener Question Round Up!
The RSS feed for our podcast is
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Fast Food - The Eating Well Podcast
- What do we think of when we hear the term, "Fast food?"
- Is it helping or hurting us?
- What about the burger that comes with it, and breakfast & dinner?
It’s no wonder that we have an overweight & obesity epidemic!
- Don’t they sell salads?
- Is there anything I can do if I still want to eat at these cheap, convenient food places, but want to make wise choices?
- Are deli’s like Subway, or the one near work, a good option?
- Any other good “fast food” options? -ready to eat fruits & veggies -healthier entrees HMR -tuna in a pouch -ready made salds, just choose your dressing wisely or have your own on hand
Doh! Did you notice the Cell Phone? Thanks for the great feedback!
Recommended reading:
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser ISBN: 0060838582
Diet for a New America by John Robbins ISBN: 0915811812
Super Size Me (a movie) and Don't Eat This Book by Morgan Spurlock ISBN: 0425210235
Fox Searchlight productions is going to make Fast Food Nation into a movie.
The RSS feed for our podcast is
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Exercise - The Eating Well Podcast
Exercise - The Eating Well Podcast #008
- Why bother with exercise anyway?
- How much is needed and how often should I exercise?
- What kind of exercise is best?
- When, if ever, should I start lifting weights? What is the benifit?
- How do I avoid sore muscles?
- Is it better to workout in the morning?
- Wear a pedometer! studies show that this one behavior increase walking tremendously. 10,000 steps per day is a good daily goal (about 5 miles).
Here is the link to 10,000 Steps